Welcome to Divine Perfect Mate,

where LOVE doesn't have to be this Great Mystery!

Our Story

It all started in late 1992...

I was a single mother. I was black. I had a son, I had no husband.

I was a STATISTIC - and not in a good way.

How did this happen? How did I let this happen? What was I going to do now? Was I doomed to a life of failure? How was anyone going to want to be with me again? More importantly, how could I trust anyone to be with me?

These questions swirled around in my head as the new year approached. However, I learned, light is born in darkness. Out of this pain and bleakness, my fortitude was kindled, and my journey of HOW TO ATTRACT MY DIVINE PERFECT MATE was charted. I decided that the new year would bring a new me and that the new me would put away the guilt and shame and lean how to attract my perfect mate.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 says: "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed but not in despair, Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed..."

Our Story

One Sunday morning, I heard Les Brown speak these words from a stage at the church I had started attending. This scripture spoke to my very soul. I was troubled, I was perplexed, I was persecuted, and I was cast down...but there was HOPE.

The Journey to Discovering MY DIVINE PERFECT MATE had just been kickstarted!

My life went from despair to bliss in the days and months that followed. So much so that I wanted to help others experience that same joy I had when I found my divine perfect mate.

This is not to say my husband is perfect. But he is perfect for me. After more than 25 years of marriage (not drudgery, but loving each other, supporting each other, and raising our four children), I have learned much about what is needed to find the perfect partner.

And now, I'm going to share with you the very same process I used to meet and marry -- "MY" Mr. Right. This may all appear to be my story, but let me assure you, from 1992 until we met in 1994, my husband was doing some of the same self-work that I was... So, what we are able to offer you in Divine Perfect Mate, is a unique tag-team approach that all starts with a simple 30-Minute CheckMate Strategy Session.

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Our Mission

From this rough and winding road through life, something beautiful has emerged: Divine Perfect Mate. They say that nothing good comes easy, and that is certainly true for finding love — at least it was for me.

But my struggles with finding the perfect love don't have to be part of your story.

Divine Perfect Mate was created to take the struggles of finding the perfect love (or rekindling old flames) out of the process.

Our mission is to help anyone who wants to find the love of their life — but without all the trials and tribulations that usually come with It. We're here to offer our advice and coaching so that you can find your perfect match and get on with being perfectly imperfect together.

About Kim

Hey there!

Kim S. Anderson, here, founder of Divine Perfect Mate.

I am a wife, mother of four, entrepreneur, speaker, ministry leader, podcaster, member of a unique professional women’s network, and author.

My professional career began in the NBA, working in Public Relations for the Atlanta Hawks. I then transitioned to Community Relations with my hometown, Detroit Pistons. After my stints with NBA teams, I pivoted into production, first as a television news production assistant, then into event productions as either a special events manager or producer.

Our Story

Well, as you can tell by my opening statement, I am both a wife and a mother. While raising my four children, and working full-time, I went back to school and earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. Along our journey as a family, my husband and I were constantly being taped to lead small groups or couples’ forums… So, while progressing in my career, I had an epiphany. I realized my kids were coming home from school to an empty home for hours before my husband or I returned. This is when I transitioned from Corporate America to entrepreneur, home-school mom and coach.

While being home with my children, I had time to reflect on my life and story. That reflection led me to develop a successful direct sales business, and insurance agency and it also spurred me to start Divine Perfect Mate; coaching people on how to find their true love.

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Divine Perfect Mate | Find Your True Love